It seems that graduating from college at this particular moment of the continuing economic crisis is leading recent alumni to welfare. I'm not sure the student who says majoring in economics means he did not learn about the economy is quite correct, and using graduate school as a means of deferring the job search only leads to greater debt and seems like a particularly dangerous route. But I'm guessing the students whose situations are described in this article were certainly not bargaining on having to rely on food stamps or living with family members as they crossed the stage to receive their university diplomas.
Given that colleges are no longer facilitating the American Dream (whatever that means at this point in history), perhaps more students need to consider alternatives to universities once they graduate from high school. Here are some resources that argue the same:
John Stossel, "Don't Go to College, Seriously"
April Narhanian, College Is for Suckers (the book) and College Is for Suckers (the blog)
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